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Classic Decoration At Your Home With Corbel Wood

Boasting both beauty and function, corbel wood are some of the most versatile pieces in all of architectural woodworking. Small corbel wood can be used to accent elements of your home. Large corbels are often chosen to act as the focal point of a room. The possibilities truly are limitless.  Ranging in size from 3” x 5” to 10” x 36” or larger, corbels can be incorporated into a variety of applications. Bookshelves, mantles and custom cabinetry are just the beginning for these highly detailed carvings. The options shown in the photo galleries below are merely a sample of the vast selection of solid hard wood corbels that are available.  Inside the home, corbel wood may be placed in the corners of cased door openings to add a subtle touch of charm.  The placement of ornaments served structural purposes.  Corbel wood, pinnacles topped with finials, flying buttresses, key stones and boss stones in arches, all provided extra weight at critical points to balance the structure against earth and wind movement.

 Corbel Wood
 Corbel Wood

Corbels have their roots in classical and medieval architecture. Originally they were carved stone supports for bearing loads on walls, but they have evolved over the years, and nowadays decorative corbels are also used in wooden furniture and cabinetry. The word corbel comes from the Latin word for crow, which refers to the curved, beak-like appearance typical to most wood corbels.
 Corbel Wood
 Corbel Wood

Decorative corbels wood come in a broad range of styles, from unadorned, simple elegance to elaborate, classically inspired designs. Corbel wood can be only lightly carved, or can be ornately carved with designs showing human faces, cherubs, or fruits and vines. Some popular motifs include acanthus leaves (inspired by Greek Corinthian columns), seashells, and scrolls. Corbel wood range in size from six inches to three feet in height, and are made from many different woods. Some popular varieties include red oak, cherry, and hard maple, as well as paint grade. With a virtually unlimited variety to choose from, there are corbel wood for every use and application.

 Corbel Wood
 Corbel Wood

One popular design is the Milan Classic corbel. It reflects the rich history of the Italian city of Milan, long one of the wealthiest cities in Europe, and a world center for fashion and design. This decorative corbel wood can be used to accessorize bookends, wall-mount bookshelves and decorative cabinets. The Milan corbel is also available with carved grapes and acanthus leaves. The Verona Classic corbel is another decorative corbel inspired by the Roman and medieval architecture of the beautiful Italian city. The gracious lines of this strong corbel create a subtle presence in any room, and it works equally well as a support for heavy shelf or mantelpiece. A version of the Verona Corbel also comes with carved grapes that add a lush, ornate look to any cabinet design. Corbel wood provide the right finishing touch for any project.

Tag : Decorative

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