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Celebrate Cermonial Wedding With Wedding Broom

Your ceremonial wedding broom should be as beautiful as the tradition it represents. In addition to large selection of wedding brooms, have a large selection of coordinating broom favors to match your wedding broom.  Not only ring bearer pillows, this wedding broom has both symbolic and spiritual importance in the African culture. The ritual itself was created by our ancestors during slavery. Because slaves could not legally marry, they created their own rituals to honor their unions. Some say broom jumping comes from an African tribal marriage ritual of placing sticks on the ground representing the couple's new home.

 Wedding Broom
 Wedding Broom

Any wedding broom can be used for the ceremony, as long as it is actually a broom. Some couples purchase a beautifully pre-decorated broom and some couples prefer a plain natural bristle broom. A plain broom can be decorated with paint, beads, sequins, flowers and more. A popular custom is to pass out colorful ribbons to guests and then have each guest tie their ribbon on the wedding broom before it is jumped as a symbol of their wish for the couple.

 Wedding Broom
 Wedding Broom

You can even pass out markers with the ribbon and have guests actually write their blessing on the ribbon if you like. The wedding broom can be passed around during the ceremony and then collected by a designated person. An easier method is to have guests decorate the broom between the ceremony and the reception and then jump the wedding broom at the reception.

 Wedding Broom
 Wedding Broom

The wedding broom used in the ceremony has often been a beautifully hand made broom containing objects meaningful to the couple that they then keep as a moment of their wedding day and to grace the newlyweds hearth or hallway. A wedding broom can be purchased at ethnic stores, online, or a regular household broom will suffice. If you decide to use your own wedding broom and decorate it yourself, be sure it coordinates with your wedding colors. Using your own wedding broom can also be a great bonding activity for the bridesmaids, perhaps the night, or week before the cermony.

Tag : Decorative

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