If you want you baby always safety, you can also protect your baby. As your baby learns to crawl, stand and explore the world that is new to him, falls and bumps to head are inevitable. And if your baby is on the adventurous side, he becomes more accident-prone as there is nothing that can stop him for exploring and of course you wouldn’t want to discourage this positive and natural inquisitive trait of his. However, injuries on the can sometimes lead to serious complication. Wearing a protective helmet greatly minimizes the severity of blow to the head. So, when baby is accident prone, the
baby cushion helmet by Bumper Bonnet can prevents bumps, bruises, and tears.
Baby Cushion Helmet |
The soft, thickly-padded head covering acts as
a protective cushion, shielding that delicate little head.
Baby cushion helmet is
lightweight, with adjustable chinstrap. This is machine washable. One size fits babies 6-36 months.
Baby cushion helmet has variant colors. So, you can choose a color do you like before you buy. You can buy this cushion at the stores or check at the shops online like amazon.com.