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Benefits Of Boomerang Gel Pad

Do you know about boomerang gel pad? The gel pad rests on the bridge of the nose to provide cushioning and help increase the mask seal. Using the boomerang gel pad with your full face mask or nasal mask will help to enhance comfort and reduce leaks. To use this pad, you can wash the gel in warm water with a mild soap, rinse well and aloe to air dry. Apply the pad to the bridge of the nose with the point of the boomerang on the bridge of the nose and the ’wings’ laying below the eye. Gently apply pressure to the pad to make it adhere to the face.
Boomerang Gel Pad
Boomerang Gel Pad

Fit the CPAP mask over the pad so that the top of the pad is visible above the mask cushion. The boomerang gel pad should be washed regularly in cold or water and allowed to air dry. This gel pad has a few benefits, among other:
•    Reduce mask leaks
•    Helps prevent nasal bridge soreness
•    Limit skin irritation
•    Help prevent red marks
This gel pad is latex, free silicone, free hypoallergenic. Available in the following sizes: petite/ small medium/ large. You can buy this gel pad at the stores or check at the shops online like

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