Best Pillows Review

Benefits Of Carter Arm Pillow

If you ever a arm surgery, you need a pillow which can help after surgery. Carter arm pillow can help you. This pillow originally designed by hand surgeon Dr. Peter Carter to  help nurses elevated patients hands after  surgery. This carter pillow is made of softer, more durable, wrinkle-free foam.

Carter Arm Pillow
carter arm pillow

This cushion available in both adult and pediatric sizes. Unlike imitations, this pillow is never compressed, destroying the unique shape and function of the pillow. They also ideal for patients use at home. This pillow have a few benefits. A pillow having a unique shape with rounded cuts for placing between an individual’s side and arm to provide support when positioned along the arm at the elbow. When the individual is lying on  his or her side, the pillow provides for proper alignment of the shoulder, arm, scapula, and neck to relive pressure or joints, nerves, muscles and skin. Its unique posturing permits the body to relax and rest more comfortably and also increase potential blood flow and nerve transmission throughout the arm and shoulder complex. It is beneficial to those who suffer from a variety of shoulder problems, arthritis and sports related injuries and fatigue in addition to those who are convalescent, bedridden, computer operator, overhead throwers, data entry personnel and anyone who uses their shoulder and arm for extended period of time. You can buy this pillow at the stores or check at the shops online like
Tag : Foam
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