Best Pillows Review

Benefits Of Waffle Cushion

There are many wheelchair cushion at the market. Waffle cushion is one of them. This cushion that comes pre-inflated and is designed to accommodate users weighing up to three hundred pounds. This cushion provides a level of comfort that is unequaled by standard wheelchair cushion.

Waffle Cushion
waffle cushion

The waffle cushion is that the air is allowed to transfer throughout the cushion, thus allowing the user to shift their weight on the cushion for different positions and pressure points on the buttocks and coccyx. This cushion is lightweight and easily transferable from a wheelchair to any seat. There is a few benefits of this cushion, among other:

  • This cushion can relieves pressure on any pressure sores that may be present.

  • They helping to allow them heal.

  • This cushion helping to prevent the spread of disease, because they comes with an antimicrobial; and anti-fungal finish.

  • They helps to control skin temperature and moisture, because a waffle hole pattern to naturally circulate air and allowing the skin to breath.

  • This cushion cleans easily due to it’s vinyl finish.

Surely, this cushion can give a comfort when used any wheelchair. You can buy this cushion at the stores or check at the shops online like

Tag : Lumbar

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