Best Pillows Review

Pillow Forms

Pillow forms are an uncovered, or plainly covered, pillow used in home decor and crafts projects. Decorative covers may be purchased or made to fit over pillow forms. A pillow forms are also called pillows insert and many different sizes, shapes and types of inserts are available today. It may be small and meant to be covered with fabric to accent a chair or it may be large to cover and use as a floor cushion.

Pillow Forms
pillow forms

Pillow forms are an essential item to maintain the shape and integrity of a pillow that gets everyday usage.  Normally pillow forms are plain white in color and have no decorative exterior. Pillow shams and other items are then stuffed with these items to give them the shape you need.

Pillow Forms

There are a few different factors to consider when selecting pillow forms that you plan on covering. You need to consider what size you need, what shape would be the most appropriate and what pillow forms filling would be the best for your project. Once you have made these decisions, finding the best pillow forms should be quite simple.

  • If you are making decorative pillow forms for a couch or chair, you will probably be looking for square pillow forms. 16 by 16 and 20 x 20are a couple of the more popular sizes that are easy to find. The Euro pillows that are becoming very popular are typically 26 x 26.

  • If you want the option to buy pillow covers, stick with one of the more common sizes and you will have more pillow covers to choose from. You can also find rectangular pillow forms, bolster pillow forms and other shapes that may be useful for making pillows for a bedroom.

Something to keep in mind is that the interior of the pillow forms will be as essential as the shape itself. While many people assume you can just shove an insert into your pillow, each of these fillers has a specific purpose. We’ll explore some of those to help you make an educated decision on which to buy.

  • Down. Down feathers tend to come from foul that live on the water. In general when a filler mentions it is down you can be almost certain that it comes from a duck or a goose. This is the most expensive insert you will find, but the softness can’t be matched by any artificial filler. When you have pillows forms that will be laid upon this is usually your best choice.

  • Polyester. This is a more pocket book friendly form. They don’t have a great deal of maintenance attached to them, and for those who have bad allergies these tend to be a good idea. Some brands offer a more detailed version of these that resemble down for significantly less, so you might consider that when it comes to filling your pillows.

  • Foam forms. Even cheaper than polyester the polyurethane form can fill your pillows. This is a firm form and must be treated to become fire retardant. A big drawback is that they lose their fluff very quickly. For a decorative pillow this is a good choice, but for more frequent use you might consider another one.

  • Bamboo. Since bamboo has a silky and soft feel to it this provides a good option. While it is more expensive than polyester you will find it is still cheaper than down. Best of all it is eco friendly coming from a renewable source, and it has antibacterial properties as well.

Of course there are other options available on the market and each of these items has a pro and con associated with their use. By educating yourself you have the ability to take action and end up with a product that meets your needs and your budget as well. Inexpensive pillow forms are available at craft stores, discount stores and at online retailers. You can choose the best pillow forms for your project.
Tag : Foam

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